How to Ransomware File Recovery After
a Ransomware Infection

Ransomware is malware that encrypts files, locks computers, and demands a ransom to restore the user’s access.
It only takes 18 seconds for sophisticated ransomware to encrypt valuable files on the computer.

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Ransomware File Recovery: Understanding Ransomware

How Ransomware Encrypts File

Ransomware encrypts files using AES and RSA Encryptions. What exactly are AES and RSA?

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is an encryption algorithm used to prevent data theft and unauthorized access to sensitive information. NSA uses AES to keep their top secrets secure against cyber espionage. In AES, a string is divided into 128 bits per block. Each block is provided with a key. With each round, a ciphertext is generated out of the other encryption keys. Basically, you end up getting all the 128 bits encrypted, making it impossible to crack.

RSA Encryption is an asymmetric encryption system introduced in 1973. It stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. To cipher a message, it is converted into a number raised to the power of the first number and divided into a constant factor. The standard key length is set to a minimum of 3072 bits because a key length higher than 768 bits is almost impossible to decipher.

This prepare of converting plaintext to ciphertext combined with malware comes about in ransomware. That’s how ransomware encrypts files.

Ransomware encrypting files is such an inconvenience both to consumers and companies. If ransomware encrypted your files, considering alternative methods to restore your files is worth a try

We’ll show you how to recover ransomware encrypted files without having to pay the ransom.


Enterprise Xcitium Ransomware File Recovery

Once the files are restored, do not allow ransomware to encrypt your files once more. The same sort of ransomware can encrypt your files once more in case you leave the computer unprotected. Both personal and business computers require advanced protection to prevent ransomware infection.

For a business network that allows access to many endpoint devices, advanced endpoint protection is necessary. The internal users are involved in a business operation, keeping their endpoint devices safe is important, as they can be the entry point of ransomware.

Ransomware File Recovery

Xcitium Antivirus is best for a personal computer.
It offers complete malware protection for PCs. It has a sandbox-based technology and cloud-based platform that provides a verdict in just 40 seconds.</p

valkyrie cloud-based
verdict platform

Valkyrie – cloud-based verdict platform that uses static and dynamic analysis to identify threats within just 40 seconds. It contains the complete collection of virus signatures and is constantly updated to defend the computer against the latest threats.

host intrusion
prevention system

HIPS – protects the computer memory, the registry, the keyboard, the hard drive against fileless malware. It prevents unauthorized modification and direct access.

Auto Containment

Auto-Containment – built upon Default Deny, auto-contains untrusted files when it enters, rendering zero-day day threat on the endpoint devices. It only permits the file in the computer once it is confirmed safe.

Remote Monitoring Management

RMM (Remote Monitoring Management) – allows remote installation of the software on each endpoint device. It also allows threat reports be transmitted instantly for immediate malware protection.

Powerful Firewall

Firewall – protects the network against inbound and outbound threat by filtering network traffic and data transmission. It monitors the active applications on the endpoint devices ot prevent the entry of malicious software.

Choose the best for your computer and network. For a personal computer, click here to download Xcitium anti malware for free. For a business network, download Xcitium Advanced Endpoint Protection to receive complete malware protection for your network and endpoint devices. Xcitium Advanced Endpoint Protection consists of multi-layered defense to protect the network and endpoint devices against varieties of malware such as ransomware, trojan, spyware, virus, and worm. Download Xcitium Advanced Endpoint Protection today to keep the network and endpoint devices safe from malware attacks

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