Free Ransomware Protection

21 Oct, 2022 793 Views
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Free Ransomware Protection today’s world of digitization, information is stored digitally and accessed 24×7 via the internet. Everything is done quickly with a single click. Digitization has made the life easier for the computer users. But, it also creates security issues for the personal and confidential information of computer users.

Enterprise Xcitium Free Ransomware Protection

Ransomware is one such threat which can encrypt the files and folders or even the entire computer. If ransomware gets activated in your system, it can encrypt file like .doc,.xls,.mp3, etc. by a strong public key-private key combination.

The attackers will demand a ransom to unlock your data. If your system shows notifications demanding ransom, detecting that the data or files have been hijacked becomes difficult. Free Ransomware Protection In such a situation, ransomware victims have only two options either they pay the ransom to retrieve their files. Still, it does not guarantee that the file will be given back (in decrypted format) or they may format or reset their computer and disconnect the Internet to block ransomware from communicating with the attacker.

Free Ransomware Protection: How Ransomware Spreads?

Ransomware primarily uses the following vectors to infect a computer: phishing emails, compromised websites, unpatched programs, ransomware-infected online ads and free software downloads that contain ransomware.

Sometimes, ransomware spreads through peer-to-peer file sharing networks. Ransomware can be passed on through activation keys (exploit kit) for popular system software such as Photoshop and Microsoft Office. If a user downloads software from shady sites, he/she is unknowingly exposing his/her system to the ransomware.

If ransomware infiltrates an organization’s network, it not only can encrypt the files on an individual endpoint, it can travel across the network and encrypt any files located on both mapped and unmapped network drives. This can put that organization in a grave situation whereby one infected endpoint can bring a department or entire organization to a grinding halt.

Free Ransomware Protection And Secure Files

Most of today’s endpoint security solutions offer limited efficacy against ransomware. This is because most of them are based on the “Default Allow” security approach.

Ransomware does not act like other conventional malware: some ransomware variants are automatically updated daily to evade detection. This makes it extremely difficult to detect, especially because traditional and legacy endpoint security solutions rely on signatures that cannot detect ransomware activity’s evolving behaviors.

In addition to that, the ransomware seen today is so sophisticated that the strong encryption it uses makes the file recovery process much more difficult.

With that in mind, our engineers at Xcitium have designed a robust endpoint protection solution- Xcitium Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP). Unlike other security solutions, Xcitium AEP relies on “Default Deny” which runs all unknown files in a virtual container until a verdict is given by Xcitium’s files analysis system (Valkyrie).

Free Ransomware Protection: Key benefits of using Xcitium Advance Endpoint Protection

  1. Comes with auto-sandboxing technology that denies access to unknown files
  2. One centralized management console
  3. Automatically uninstalls legacy/existing antivirus products
  4. Offers a unique panoramic view of the endpoint estate with critical endpoint metrics
  5. Manages Endpoint Security Manager configurations
  6. Manages CPU, RAM and hard disk usage
  7. Manages services, processes, and applications
  8. Manages endpoint power consumption
  9. Manages USB devices
  10. Set-and-forget policies ensure that endpoint configurations are automatically re-applied if they cease being compliant

Start a 30-Day free trial of Xcitium Advance Endpoint Protection and enjoy free ransomware protection. You can subscribe to Xcitium AEP after the trial period.

For more details about Xcitium Advanced Endpoint Protection, contact us at +1 (888) 551-1531.

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