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Typical computer users often forget their cybersecurity hygiene. Sometimes they are not aware that they have already allowed viruses and malware to enter their computer. They fall victim of these attacks unknowingly. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how does ransomware get on a computer and know how to protect your system.

How Does Ransomware Get On A Computer

Targets Of Ransomware

Anyone can be a prime target of ransomware. For as long as you are using a computer,  typically a Windows PC, you are not exempted to the threats of this ransomware. Home users and small-sized businesses are commonly attacked because the criminals know that most of the people that come from this sector are not familiar with how does ransomware get on a computer. Alongside is the fact that they are not very particular to the security measures to avoid these attacks. Primarily, most that come from this sector don’t have regular backups.

Big companies and organizations are not also excused from these threats. Even though they have an IT department that most likely know how does ransomware get on a computer, still, they can be a target of ransomware attacks. Since most of the large companies have lots of important data and could not afford to lose them, criminals attack them too. Criminals think that companies have the capability of paying them since they have the financial capacity to pay the ransom.


Ransomware has plenty of ways on how to get into a computer. The most common way that many are not aware of how does ransomware get on a computer is by spreading of malicious email. This malicious email that carries a malicious script and attachments are sent to many people and whoever receives and open the email could be a victim and be infected with a malicious code.

Another method is by use of social engineering. This is used to persuade someone reading the email or an internet post to click the links it provides and pretend that it is a legitimate link. Common cybercriminals use government entities to pretend and demand a premium while violating some cyberlaw. They scare the user to force them to pay the ransom fee.

The next method that the criminals use is the process of Malvertising. It is a simple way of making a bogus ad on the internet. With the use of these ads, a malicious script is transferred to the victim’s computer. This process repeats until it scatters its infection to other clean computers and networks.

Many were infected because no website is exempted to the attack. Even a clean website could soon be compromised and get infected. By simply visiting a compromised website, a user can automatically be infected, even though he is knowledgeable on how does ransomware get on a computer. Some ransomware are very sophisticated that the browsing user doesn’t need to click anything from an infected website to also be affected. It has the capability to transfer its malicious script from website to the computer if the browsing user just visited the site.

Computer Ransomware And Remove Them

The best way to defend and protect your system is to prevent it from entering your computer in the first place. Educate and research on how does ransomware get on a computer will also help. If you suspect to infected by a ransomware, there are ways on how to remove the ransomware strains from your system.

Through Backup and Restore

Many can mitigate the effect of the ransomware because aside from knowing how does ransomware get on a computer, they know how to remove them. A better way to remove such malware is by restoring your clean backup. If you were able to secure a clean backup that is free from the ransomware, you can use that to restore your system and your files.

Through Decrypters

Another way of removing the strains of ransomware out from your computer is by installing a security software. One advantage of having a security software is that this software is familiar with how does ransomware get on a computer. Which is why it is common for security software to have a built-in feature of decryptors. Since it expects that the ransomware will encrypt your data, it includes the decryption capability to remove ransomware and restore your data from your computer.

Through Negotiation

If you are caught unready of the attack and not familiar with how does ransomware get on a computer. Your last option is to negotiate with the cyber-criminals. You just have to be aware that it is the most dangerous method you could do. But if you really value your data and need to restore it back, your last option would be to negotiate. However, i if you are negotiating, you can avoid to pay a big amount and request to give a small amount instead. Anyway, there is a big chance that the criminals might still get it since all they want is money, and it is better for them to have a small portion of profit rather than having nothing at all.

Prevent Recurrence

Once you have identified the presence of a ransomware on your system and successfully removed it. The following step is to prevent it from re-entering your system. The process is the same in trying to avoid being infected with another type of malware and virus. It is very clear that to prevent from happening it again is to always be updated on the latest news on how does ransomware get on a computer. Have a dependable security software on your computer and make sure to have a regular backup to protect your system from ransomware.

Related Sources:
Endpoint Detection
Endpoint Detection and Response
Trojan Virus
Ransomware Software


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