21 Oct, 2022 373 Views
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Remove Malware A shocking experience that may have shocked you. Your computer was attacked and you need to remove malware from PC right away. If there is an unwanted piece of malware took over your computer, there are some procedures you need to do to disinfect your PC. The effect and the damage of the viruses and malware can be devastating to the system and you shouldn’t be underestimated. But fixing your computer and make it working properly again is also easy to do.

Defining Malware

The term malware is used to define the malicious software program that is harmful to any computer and mobile devices. This software program is capable of executing multiple malicious functions including the encryption, stealing or deleting some sensitive information, hijacking or tampering vital computing functions and monitoring computer activities of the victim without the proper permission.

Types of Malware

There are many types of malware that possess unique traits and characteristics. Here is the list of the common malware that you may encounter and should identify on how to remove malware from PC.

Virus The virus is a type of malware that you need to know how to remove malware from PC because it is a malicious program that spreads by infecting other files of the program.

Worm The worm is a type of malware that you need to know how to remove malware from PC because it is a type of malware that can self-replicate without a host program. It can spread without any human intervention or direction from the malware developers.

Trojan Horses Trojan Horses is a type of malware that you need to know how to remove malware from PC because it is the type of malware that has been designed to appear as a legitimate program. Once the installation and activation process is done, the Trojans execute their malicious functions.

Spyware Spyware is a type of malware that you need to know how to remove malware from PC because it is the type of malware that is designed to collect data and information about the user and observe their activity without user’s knowledge.

Hijacker A browser hijacker is a type of malware that you need to know how to remove malware from PC because it is the type of malware that modifies the settings of your web browser.

Rootkit A rootkit is a type of malware that you need to know how to remove malware from PC because it is the type of malware that obtains administrator-level access to the victim’s system. When the installation process is done, the programs provide other threat a privileged access to the infected system.

Malvertising is a type of malware that you need to know how to remove malware from PC because it is the type of malware that uses authorized online advertising to spread the malware infection.

Steps To Remove Malware From PC

1. Check For Symptoms The first step to do if you want to remove malware from PC is to check the system first. Although, the modernized malware is very hard to detect and they hide carefully in the system. But you may check the speed of the system or the speed of your internet, because it may show some signs of malware infection.

2. Enter Safe Mode The next step you can do if you want to remove malware from PC is to enter the safe mode. Remove all the CDs and USB drives from the computer. Then you may now restart and enter the safe mode. You would know that there is a malware when the malware is restraining you to enter the safe mode.

3. Backup The next step you can do if you want to remove malware from PC is to backup your important files. This includes your photos, videos, documents. You may not include the programs because it has a big chance to contain the malware infection.

4. Install a Security Software The next step you can do if you want to remove malware from PC is to install a strong and robust antivirus like the Xcitium Antivirus. After the installation, you may run the full system scan for the disinfection process.

5. Restart Your PC Now is the time to counter check the system if you were able to successfully remove malware from PC.

6. Update Your Operating System If you are now satisfied with your system that you have successfully remove malware from PC, you may now update your Operating system to protect your system to be exploited by the cybercriminals. When you update your operating system, you are safe that you are secured against all the system vulnerabilities.

7. Reset Passwords After you have successfully remove malware from PC, you may now change your password because the malware could have captured your passwords and forwarded it to other cybercriminals.

Steps To Remove Malware From PC: Finale

Keeping your system protected is not that easy, it requires a better education on the part of the computer user. But the best way to combat these threats is to have a strong and robust antivirus like the Xcitium Antivirus which will monitor your system continuously and clean any malware that may enter your system. So, download a free copy today!

Free Malware Discovery