What is Anti Malware?

What is Anti Malware

An anti malware is a software that protects the computer from malware such as spyware, adware, and worms. It scans the system for all types of malicious software that manage to reach the computer. An anti malware program is one of the best tools to keep the computer and personal information protected.

What is the difference between antivirus and anti-malware?

An anti malware is designed to eliminate malware from the computer. Although it has similarities with antivirus, an anti malware program is different from antivirus. An anti malware program has more advanced features and broader coverage. It addresses spyware, spam, and other threat issues that antivirus doesn’t.

Key Features of Anti Malware Protection

Now that we know what is anti malware, let’s now go to its key features. An anti malware program usually contains advanced malware protection and sandboxing technology. Depending on the software, features may vary. Xcitium for example contains BOClean Anti-Malware Protection Software. It’s an advanced security feature that destroys malware as soon as it enters the computer.

Trend Micro has a sandbox where suspicious files are analyzed. Kaspersky has a Security Cloud that adapts to your browsing habits to keep you protected. Others contain anti-phishing and anti- ransomware. Click here to learn more about the best anti malware software and their features.

How Anti Malware Works?

Anti malware does its job using different techniques.

Behavior Monitoring

Behavior Monitoring is a technique anti malware uses to identify malware based on its character and behavior. An anti malware program doesn’t compare the file to any known threats anymore. If a file exhibits suspicious behaviors, anti malware will flag it as a threat.

Behavior monitoring technique is used to constantly monitor suspicious files that can be harmful to the computer. This feature makes malware detection more easily because an anti malware program doesn’t have to scan a file anymore. By its behavior on the computer malware will be identified.


Sandboxing is another efficient technique an anti malware program uses to isolate suspicious files. An anti malware holds the file in the sandbox to further analyze it. Threats will be instantly removed, while legitimate files will be allowed but it will be constantly monitored.

Sandboxing is a great way to prevent malware infection. An anti malware immediately separates malicious software from legitimate applications to prevent damage on the computer.

Malware Removal

Finally, once the anti malware program is identified, malware protection software removes it to prevent it from executing and infecting the computer. If the same type of file reaches the computer, it will automatically be eliminated. An anti malware will prevent it from installing.

Malware removal may sound like a lot of work but it’s done within seconds. That’s how fast malware protection software works. In an instant malware is out of your computer and you’re assured that your computer and personal information are safe.

What Are the Benefits of Anti Malware?

A malware removal software has many benefits, particularly keeping your computer secure. But that’s not all anti malware has to offer, you can benefit from anti malware in many ways.

  • You’re protected from hackers – hackers gain access to your computer through malware. With the anti malware installed, you can browse the web safely.
  • Your privacy is protected – cyber criminals use your personal information to their advantage. An anti malware prevents any software that steal personal from installing.
  • Your valuable files are secured – if malware and viruses are out of the computer, you can be assured that your data are protected.
  • Your software are up-to-date – nobody wants outdated software. An anti malware keeps your software updated. It will remind you if a new version or an update is available online.
  • Your computer is free of junk – an antimalware notifies you if junks are consuming your computer memory, so you can free up some space. This eliminates useless files stored in your computer.

Why must you install anti malware?

Besides the benefits of anti malware, you must install malware protection software because hackers and cyber attacks are prevalent nowadays. You never know when hackers will access your computer. Your personal information will be at risk of getting stolen and be used without your knowledge.

In addition, with advanced hacking techniques, malware, viruses, and threats can easily install on your computer. Most of them remain undetected until they do a major damage on your computer. Don’t leave your computer vulnerable.

Malware removal software will prevent computer infections brought about by malware, as it is designed to protect your computer at all times. With anti malware installed, malware, worms, viruses don’t have space on your computer.


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