21 Oct, 2022 1202 Views
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The behavior of ransomware is different from other malware. It attacks your data from the computer, encrypts it, and demands for ransom. If you don’t know how to clean ransomware, it may happen again and again.

In the case of attacks and infection of your computer, it is advised not to pay the ransom. If you know to clean ransomware and you have a clean backup copy of your important files, you don’t have to worry. You can easily restore your computer into a normal state even your system has been compromised.

How To Clean Ransomware

How to clean ransomware?

Identify the types of ransomware There are many types of ransomware existing on the internet. Same goes for their behaviors. If you want to know how to clean ransomware, it best to know what type of ransomware has infected your computer. Some of the popular ransomware are Crowti, FakeBsod, Reveton, Tescrpt and the well known Petya.

Another point to consider in identifying the types of ransomware attacks are the kind of the devices involved. Typical ransomware is targeted to infect Microsoft Windows computer, but there are also targeted to Apple Mac, Linux PCs, and Android mobile devices.

Most of the Windows computer that has operating system built-in Windows 7, Vista and XP are the most vulnerable. This is because these operating systems have MBR or master boot record. It is an important file that contains the information about the disk partitions and it is the primary responsibility in helping the computer loads the operating system.

CRYPTO Type of Ransomware This type of ransomware embodies a sophisticated way of encrypting the data of its victims. It would be very difficult to decrypt because it uses a military grade encryption algorithm. Forcing its victims to pay the asking ransom. What’s more dangerous for this type of malware is that it encrypts the victim’s data secretly. The victim will just be surprised once the ransomware finished all the encryption of the data on the computer and the next step is to ask for a ransom to regain access to the files of the computer. If you don’t know how to clean ransomware, you will be forced to pay the ransom.

LOCKER Type of Ransomware This is another unique type of ransomware. Typically, it doesn’t encrypt the victim’s files but rather lock the whole computer. If you are not knowledgeable about how to clean ransomware of this type, your computer will be useless because you weren’t able to use it at all. The only option you’ll have is to remove this ransomware or pay the asking ransom to regain access to your computer.

SCARE-WARE Type of Ransomware This is the easiest to remove on a computer. It doesn’t need to be a sophisticated tool to address the issue, all you need is the idea on how to clean ransomware of this type. Scare-ware ransomware consists of browser or Windows-style popups that show when you have visited an infected website. The common behavior of this ransomware is to scare you and force you to click the pop-ups that will give you a link to download a security solution for a fake virus that was on your computer. If the ransomware successfully scared you and has forced you to click the link it gives then you will also be infected with the ransomware. If by any chance that you have clicked the link, you must know how to clean ransomware in order to deal with this problem.

Removing process Once you have successfully determined the type of ransomware. The succeeding step would be known on how to clean ransomware and be able to remove it to your system.

Backup and Restore In every ransomware attack, it would be helpful to know how to clean ransomware on your computer. Having a regular backup will salvage your computer in a case of ransomware attack. If you have secured a copy of a clean backup, you can restore all your data and the whole system of the computer.

Decrypt the Files Having a decryption tool is one of the easy yet powerful ways on how to clean ransomware on your computer. Typically, these decryption tools are available on the internet for free so you can test its functionality. It was made by computer programmers aimed to help people that were victimized by the ransomware.

Negotiating This will be the last possible option, especially if you really don’t know how to clean ransomware. Thru this method, the victim is forced to pay the ransom. Small-sized business are the common victims for this since they have a valuable data and could not afford to lose their data. They will just pay the asking ransom of the criminals.

Recommendations The general advice for the victims is to never pay the ransom. The criminals will gain confidence if the victims continue to pay the ransom. If you learn how to clean ransomware, you will understand that the best way to protect your computer from ransomware is to have a copy of multiple backups of your files. You may also use DVDs or Blu-ray to backup, this ransomware could not encrypt those data saved on optical disks.

Related Sources:
Endpoint Detection
Endpoint Detection and Response
Trojan Virus
Ransomware Software


Ransomware Cleaner

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