21 Oct, 2022 493 Views
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Malware and cybercriminals are two of the most common problems these days in the world of computers. These critical threats require different approaches to defense. It would be helpful to have a better defense if you fully understand what they are and why they exist. All malware that is detected should be contained and must be analyzed in a malware analysis lab. Either the malware or the cybercriminals attacked your system, they both pose the most current danger to individuals and to organizations.

Malware Analysis Lab

Malware And Cybercriminals

Malware is the terminology used to characterize any kind of malicious software that runs a command in the computer system without the user’s permission. Most of the common types of malware are added to the computer system through malicious email attachments.

The second most common type is through a passive download of any file without the knowledge of the user of the system. You can observe these threats through strange emails or from malicious advertisements on web pages. If you don’t have a strong antivirus, it would be difficult to detect these threats. If these threats are detected, it would be great if it will be quarantined to a malware analysis lab for further investigation and deep malware analysis.

While malware is a passive software program typically sent over the internet. Cybercriminals are a group of malicious hackers that are actively working to disable security systems with the intent of either shutting down the system or steal important information on the system.

Cybercriminals leverage and make use social engineering techniques to get a vulnerable user to give them the credential and access. This is a kind of approach that usually takes the place in form of malicious emails that portray that it came from the internal company email or from a legitimate internet service provider.

If these launched threats are not blocked by the antivirus, it should be sent to a malware analysis lab for further examinations to have an appropriate set of counteractions. This way you will be able to protect your system against these threats.

Malware Threats

With the help of a strong antivirus and a malware analysis lab, it will now be easy to mitigate and counter the malware threats that infected your computer system. By identifying them, you will know what to do to maintain a good security for your system. Below are the following threats that you can commonly encounter over the internet.


The virus is a type of malware that must be detected by your antivirus and be quarantined to a malware analysis lab because it is a malicious program that spreads by infecting other files of the program.


The worm is a type of malware that must be detected by your antivirus and be quarantined to a malware analysis lab because it is a type of malware that can self-replicate without a host program. It can spread without any human intervention or direction from the malware developers.

Trojan Horses

Trojan Horses is a type of malware that must be detected by your antivirus and be quarantined to a malware analysis lab because it is the type of malware that has been designed to appear as a legitimate program. Once the installation and activation process is done, the Trojans execute their malicious functions.


Spyware is a type of malware that must be detected by your antivirus and be quarantined to a malware analysis lab because it is the type of malware that is designed to collect data and information about the user and observe their activity without user’s knowledge.


A browser hijacker is a type of malware that must be detected by your antivirus and be quarantined to a malware analysis lab because it is the type of malware that modifies the settings of your web browser.


A rootkit is a type of malware that must be detected by your antivirus and be quarantined to a malware analysis lab because it is the type of malware that obtains administrator-level access to the victim’s system. When the installation process is done, the programs provide other threat a privileged access to the infected system.


Malvertising is a type of malware that must be detected by your antivirus and be quarantined to a malware analysis lab because it is the type of malware that uses authorized online advertising to spread the malware infection.

Recovering From Malware

If the device is infected with a malware, you should immediately disconnect the device from the network. It would be better if you run the antivirus to be able to clean the malware infection and quarantine the malware to the malware analysis lab. Doing so will help prevent the malware from sending additional data or infecting other devices on the network. Make sure that you run your strong antivirus like the Xcitium Antivirus in your system. So, download a free copy today!

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