What Code Is What Code Does

25 Oct, 2022 2518 Views
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Evaluating application code can take two different approaches: understanding what code is and understanding what code does. Xcitium Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP) uses both approaches to evaluate code before can run unfettered on your systems.

What Code Is Static Analysis?

Xcitium Valkyrie performs comprehensive static analysis (discreet binary analysis) on every submitted Portable Executable (PE) file. This analysis includes a rigorous interrogation of over 1,000 static analysis detectors comprised of more than 26 static detector groups. These detectors include binary level analysis, DLL libraries, code embedded system calls, extractable links, support for more than 240 unpackers, string analysis and many others.


Xcitium Valkyrie platform integrates dynamic virtual execution, or sandboxing, which leverages behavioral and environmental analysis within a finely instrumented operating system. Valkyrie Dynamic Analysis can detect registry and file system modifications, file executions and network communication attempts as wells as evasion techniques such as anti-VM evasion, VM escape attempts, mass sleep commands and file system pollution, API system calls and responses, as well as many other behavioral patterns to quick and accurately deliver verdicts. What Code Is What Code DoesXcitium Valkyrie platform integrates dynamic virtual execution, or sandboxing, which leverages behavioral and environmental analysis within a finely instrumented operating system. Valkyrie Dynamic Analysis can detect registry and file system modifications, file executions and network communication attempts as wells as evasion techniques such as anti-VM evasion, VM escape attempts, mass sleep commands and file system pollution, API system calls and responses, as well as many other behavioral patterns to quick and accurately deliver verdicts.   Related Resources

Endpoint Detection

Endpoint Detection and Response