How Do You Get Rid of Ransomware

How Do You Get Rid of RansomwareRansomware attacks are advanced cyber threats that block victims from accessing their data or entire systems by locking core services and files inside a computer. A ransomware attack can happen to you anytime, so basic education on how do you get rid of ransomware is a must.

Ransomware creators use various social engineering methods to exploit every vulnerability they can find on your computer. When hackers find a certain vulnerability on your computer’s security system, they’ll inject it with a ransomware virus. Ransomware creators then employ complex sets of evasion techniques so chances are you won’t detect an attack before it’s too late

Luckily, there is an easy way for you to get rid of the ransomware that was injected into your computer. Here are 3 simple steps on how do you get rid of ransomware:

Easy Steps on How to Get Rid of Ransomware


The first action to take on how do you get rid of ransomware is to evaluate the situation well. Always remember not to panic. In this kind of situation, you need your focus more than ever. You must assess the situation calmly and finding out the best solutions during and after the attack.

Disconnect the device from the internet immediately. This is to prevent further damage the ransomware creator can send out to your system. If your device is connected to a large network of computers, it will be best if they’ll be disconnected from the Internet as well until the malware has been ejected out of the infected device. Ransomware can also spread out to other devices sharing the same network.

Step 2: REMOVE

After isolating the ransomware-infected device, the next step on how do you get rid of ransomware is to get your computer a top-class security software tool. Look for a security software that can easily detect all threats and vulnerabilities that reside on your device.

Using the tool, run a full scan of your entire device. Select all discovered threats and delete them permanently from your computer. Restart your device afterward to see if the ransomware has been evicted out of your computer.

An important factor you should consider when choosing a security software tool is to choose one that provides real-time protection to your entire computer system. Choose a security software that can also send comprehensive reports of every completed scan. These reports will keep you updated about the security status of all your software and operating system


The final step on how do you get rid of ransomware attacks is to recover from it. Removing the ransomware from your device doesn’t mean that your encrypted data will be unblocked. Fortunately, there are a few options you can try to regain access to your files.

The first one is something that every user must have— a backup copy. Unfortunately, not all users regularly back up their files to external media. Some users back up their files either online (DropBox, Google Drive) or offline (external HDD). For those victims who have a backup copy, you can conveniently copy your backup files to your now ransomware-free computer.

The second option you can try is by downloading a data recovery tool. When a ransomware infects your device, it deletes all original files after replacing it with an encrypted replica. This makes data recovery tools a possible lifesaver when it comes to restoring your lost data.

If data recovery tools fail to retrieve your data or at least some of it, there is another option to try. Cybersecurity teams have developed online decryption tools that victims can use for free. Various decryption tools that are dedicated to different variants of ransomware are currently available. Choose one that is dedicated to the ransomware attack that hit you for better results.

Being infected by a ransomware attack should indeed be a cause for concern. So having just basic knowledge of how do you get rid of ransomware might not be enough. Save yourself from possible ransomware-related threats by also knowing how to properly prevent it from infecting your device.

Take comprehensive online security measures to protect your system and don’t forget the safe way on how do you get rid of ransomware to assess the problem wisely once it happens.

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Related Resources

How To Avoid Ransomware Attack

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