How To Scan For RansomwareRansomware is now considered to be the top malicious software of 2018. There is 39% of malware-related issues found according to the Verizon Report of 2018. The ransomware attacks were considered to be doubled according to the report. Which is why we need to be careful in browsing the internet and we must know how to scan for ransomware presence in the computer.

Ransomware is a type of malware that restricts or limits users from utilizing the computer. It can lock the system or lock the information inside the computer. It has also the capability of encrypting all kinds of your data. The only way that this ransomware give is to pay the author the ransom charge. If you browse the web frequently and don’t know how to scan for ransomware, you can be infected by this attack.

How To Scan For Ransomware Presence In Your Computer

The ransomware is difficult to discover when the computer is infected. The latest strains of ransomware keep the files intact as if nothing happened to them. You must have at least one good security software to be able to discover how to scan for ransomware presence in your computer.

Look at Your Extension Files

The most basic way on how to scan for ransomware is to look at the extension files. Most of the ransomware have their distinct extension files, so it will be easy for you to identify the type of ransomware that infected your computer. You may refer to some credible website for the reference on the list of all extension files used by the ransomware.

Check for File Renames

Another good way on how to scan for ransomware on your computer is to check the file renames. It is unusual to see a multiple file renames on a computer. It these things happen, it is because there is a presence of a ransomware on the computer.

Use Sacrificial Network

Once the ransomware infected a single computer, the next behavior is to spread the infection via the entire local network. Therefore, one helpful way on how to scan for ransomware is to have a sacrificial network. This network of computers will serve as your early warning mechanism. It consists of computers that have low rpm hard disks that contain small random files. Through this, the ransomware will take a longer time to encrypt all your data. You will have enough time to monitor the entire activity and backup immediately the important data on your computer.

Use Next-generation Firewalls

If you suspect that there is a ransomware on your network. One better way on how to scan for ransomware is to have this next-generation firewalls. This firewall has the capability to detect and block any malicious network behavior. Just make sure that the firewall is updated to its latest software release.

Deploy a Security Suite

The ultimate way on how to scan for ransomware on your computer is to utilize the power of a security suite. This includes an Anti-virus, Anti-malware, and a firewall. If the software is trusted and legit, you can highly depend on this. It is because it has a dedicated team of security experts working together to provide a high level of protection for its customers. Although, acquiring this software might be a little bit costly especially for the home users, but the investment is worth it. You are assured that you could do the proper way on how to scan for ransomware on your computer.

How To Scan For Ransomware Presence In Your Computer: Removal Process

If you are equipped with the knowledge on how to scan for ransomware, the next step is to execute the scanning procedures. Once finished, the removal process could now be initiated. Here are some helpful guidelines on removing the ransomware.

Restore Using Clean Backup

If your computer has been infected by a ransomware, it is best to have a copy of a clean backup. You can use this to restore your computer into an original state that is free from any ransomware. You can re-install the whole system or you can also do a system restore. Any of the two would still require you to have a backup to be able to restore everything.

The backup procedures should be done prior to the infection of the ransomware. This will ensure that your backup copy is safe from any strain of ransomware. If you have your backup with you, you will not have any problem in restoring your system any time of the day.

Use Decryption Tools

The next step after you discovered on how to scan for ransomware is to remove. You can do such by the help of decryption tools. These tools are available to download on the internet. Usually, these tools are free and no charge. Just make sure that the tool is legitimate and not a ransomware that pretends to be a decryption tool. These tools are made by the computer programmers that are willing to help people fight the ransomware attacks.


The last possible step is to negotiate. Although this step is not recommended because it might be hard to negotiate with criminals. But for some reasons, some small-sized companies needed to negotiate to get their important data back.

Related Sources:

Trojan Virus
Ransomware Software


How To Avoid Ransomware Attacks

Website Malware scanner

How To Remove Ransomware


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