Enabling a Safer Learning Community.

21 Oct, 2022 5006 Views
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Efficiently managing server and PC security can reduce costs and maximize the Internet’s benefit as a teaching and learning tool.

Local school districts through major universities are facing similar Internet security challenges as students and faculty become increasingly dependent on PC’s and the Internet.


With a protection landscape that features centralized management of digital certificates as well as PC endpoints, Xcitium understands the challenges of the educational community at all levels, and strives to make the Internet a safe and effective teaching and learning resource

Why Choose Xcitium?

Xcitium serves hundreds of educational institutions from local school districts to some of the world’s largest and best known universities. In all cases, we offer the ability to efficiently manage the deployment and management of security infrastructure. Regardless of size, educational institutions benefit from Xcitium’s:


  • Industry leadership as one of the two largest providers of high-assurance digital certificates
  • Easy to deploy and use centralized management tools for both digital certificate and PC endpoints
  • Low-cost, highly effective PC Endpoint Security Solutions
  • Competitive pricing, streamlined administration, and fewer security breaches
  • Ongoing stream of innovation to meet the challenges of the evolving threat landscape

Educational Industry Solutions

Digital Certificates/SSL and Certificate Management

Data encryption and site authentication for virtually any educational environment or application. Includes advanced certificate management tools to bring efficiency and cost saving to securing decentralized environments, as well as a full range of digital certificate types.

Endpoint Security

Schools, Colleges and Universities can slash licensing fee expenditure, raise overall security and reduce desk-side support visits by deploying Xcitium Endpoint Security Manager to protect network workstations.

Mobile Device Management

Xcitium’s unconventional approach to licensing users instead of devices allows Schools, Colleges, and Universities to simplify overall management and slash lifetime deployment costs while securing their mobile devices.

Next Steps

Speak with a Xcitium expert to share your security challenges and benefit from our experience.

Speak With a Xcitium Solutions Expert

Related Sources:

Endpoint Detection
Endpoint Detection and Response

Solutions Industry